Summer Hill Farm

We love our animals!

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Ag Mag

We plan to self-publish an "ag mag" beginning this spring, and we invite you to contribute! We are looking for the following types of media in any field pertaining to agriculture. This means you can write about crops, livestock, bees, weather, equipment, anything. We ask your written permission to use your work in exchange for credit (and potentially contact information/website, if you have agriculture-related things for sale). Feel free to submit -- - Articles: How to deliver a stuck foal, why sheep need minerals, etc. - Photography: Especially your animals and ranch! - Your own art - Your ranch's history: Has your family been ranching since the 1800s? Tell us about it! - Poetry: Write about living in the country, etc. - Recipes: Got a traditional country meal? Share it! Please include photos. - Short stories: Again, agriculture-related. - Have another submission idea? Try it! Submission does NOT guarantee we will use it. Depends on how many submissions, quality, etc. Your submission may be edited for grammar and punctuation. I'm a stickler. You will not be paid, but you will get business exposure. Photos with any of these are welcome Please submit your work with written permission for us to use it to: [email protected]. Thanks!